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فتاة أسكتلندية تغني للناجين فى سيتشوان (فيديو وصور)

Day by Day

Music and lyrics ©Katie Targett Adams January 2009

Verse 1
A year ago my heart stopped smiling I was left alone No children playing, friends celebrating My future was unknown

Verse 2
I found a flower and made a wish... 'Please make my dreams come true' With light and love, rain from above I trust my joy will bloom

Drop by drop, day by day New hope and sunshine comes my way Step by step, mile by mile My heart can smile

Verse 3
A fruit, a bud, a flower, a tree And soon comes life for you and me Once again we laugh and sing And thank our land for everything.

Drop by drop and day by day New hope and sunshine comes my way Step by step and mile by mile My heart can smile

As time passed and orchards grew Where children play and dreams come true Fruit and love for everyone; My homeland's filled with joy and song

Drop by drop and day by day New hope and sunshine comes my way Step by step and mile by mile My heart can smile

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